productspost/gravel-pump/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Sun, 02 Jul 2023 10:37:21 GMT --> Gravel Pump - Amostechpumps
Gravel Pump
  • Description

    Our high-performance gravel pumps are designed with latest technology to handle abrasive slurries with big solid particles. These pumps can also be used as booster pumps, excavators, or in slag granulation.The low NPSHr of Amostech gravel pump makes it perfect for dredging, sludge delivery in mining plants, etc.These pumps are specially crafted to tackle high-abrasion applications, and also got a wide range of unique features that ordinary pumps can't provide.

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Pump Design Features

Simple Design:
Gravel pumps are single-suction horizontal pumps that only let muds inside from one suction inlet. These types of pumps featuring a single impeller structure are perfect for dredging, mining and material processing.

Discharge Outlet:
Discharge outlets have 8 separate positions spaced at 45 degree angles. You can set it in any angle depending on your needs.

Wear-Resistant Materials:
Unified housing of the pumps is made with high chrome cast irons, which are extremely wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant.

Shaft Seal Selection:
Gravel pumps provide multiple shaft seal options such as packing gland seal, centrifugal seal and mechanical seal. One can easily replace the seals to fit the need of a specific pumping application.

Integral Housing:
Gravel pumps are engineered with wear-resistant hydraulic parts and integral housing. These parts are easy to replace and repair.

Long Service Life:
The gravel pumps provide a simplified design which simplifies the maintenance work and increases the service life of the pumps.

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    productspost/gravel-pump/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Sun, 02 Jul 2023 10:37:24 GMT -->